What is SAF? As part of the wholesale updates to the e-learning platform, the BVRLA secured Specialist Automotive Finance (SAF) accreditation to help members keep compliant and the SAF Expert Essentials package is our latest offering to support you with the changes to the Lending Code. Upgrade any existing Essentials e-Learning package you have with us to the 'SAF Expert Essentials' with just one upgrade cost of £25+VAT per user.
What do we mean by SAF Expert training?

Essential Package Modules
This module will explore your understanding of bribery risks, and the steps that you need to take to help avoid and prevent bribery and comply with the UK Bribery Act. Important when you note that the World Bank estimates that over $1 trillion worth of bribes are paid out annually.
Anti-Money Laundering
This module covers the systems and procedures that a Firm should implement to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and your role in preventing these financial crimes.
Complaints Handling
A financial firm's most valuable asset is its reputation for integrity and customer service. If firms are to preserve this asset, they must learn to put customers at the heart of their business; listening to their complaints and dealing with them quickly and fairly. This module will help to inform your approach to receiving and handling customer complaints.
Consumer Credit Sourcebook (CONC)
This module will help you to understand the FCA’s Consumer Credit sourcebook (CONC) standards that apply to all firms engaging in credit-related regulated activities such as vehicle leasing and vehicle purchase products.
Data Protection: GDPR
Data protection is all about how our personal and sensitive data is collected, used and stored. This course will cover what personal and sensitive data is, and what precautions you need to take to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and your Firm's own Data Security policy.
Financial Crime Prevention
Understand the different type of financial crime, how you can take steps to prevent it, our mutual obligations related to it and recognise how and when to seek advice and support.
Fraud Prevention
Fraud is a real and present threat to all companies. This module aims to demonstrate what fraud is, and explains the different types of fraud to which you may be exposed and what you can do to prevent it in your Firm.
Personal Conflicts of Interest
This module outlines the types of activities that can create conflict of interests between you and a Firm or its customer. You will learn how these conflicts must be managed to comply with regulations and avoid any appearance of impropriety.
Safeguarding the Vulnerable
This module will explain our obligations to safeguard vulnerable people, what is meant by the term vulnerable, what sort of customer would be defined as such, and what steps you should take to safeguard them in-line with FCA regulatory requirements.
Treating Customers Fairly
Since 2006 Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) has been actively promoted within the financial services industry. This module covers the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) requirements for TCF and managing Conduct Risk.
Whistle blowers make a valuable contribution to the functioning of a Company and meeting your regulatory obligations. This module will cover what Whistleblowing is, how to blow the whistle, and how whistle-blowers are protected.
Introduction to SM&CR
This module provides an understanding of why an individual accountability regime is being implemented. After completing this course, the learner will be aware of the three key elements of SM&CR. These elements are The Senior Managers Regime, Certified Persons Regime and the Conduct Rules. The learner will also gain an understanding of how this new regime will impact their firm.
Introduction to the Consumer Duty
Define the FCA consumer duty regulation and how it applies to your day-to-day activity.
SAF Expert Upgrade Modules
Personal Contract Hire (PCH)
Selling Personal Contract Hire, is one of the automotive sector’s most popular motor finance products and our new comprehensive bespoke e-learning module is perfectly suited support to members. Our module guides learners through the customer qualification process with the BVRLA's consistent and compliant approach to ‘Know Your Customer’ in our 9-step approach to compliant sales.
Business Contract Hire (BCH)
Business Contract Hire is one of our SAF e-learning modules and is perfectly suited to support members who require an overview of how the product works. Our module guides learners through the Business Contract Hire life cycle, the benefits to customers of using this type of product and what should be discussed at the point of sale between lessee and lessor.
Finance Lease (FL)
Finance Lease is one of our SAF e-learning modules and is perfectly suited to support members new to the industry or new to this product. Our module guides learners through the end-of-contract options on a Finance Lease agreement, the process of handing the vehicle back and how to manage the relationship with the customer throughout the product life cycle to ensure retention.
Hire Purchase (HP)
This module provides an introductory overview of the retail product known as 'Hire Purchase'. It is essential as part of a customer-facing role that you are able to explain the key features and benefits of Hire Purchase to a customer or client. It is one of the most popular purchase products offered by financial lenders and will suit particular customers for a number of reasons; all of which are discussed in this module. There is also an end-of-module assessment to check your understanding of the content covered.
Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)
This module provides an introductory overview of the retail product known as 'Personal Contract Purchase'. It is essential as part of a customer-facing role that you are able to explain the key features and benefits of a PCP agreement to a customer or client. It is one of the most popular purchase products offered by financial lenders and offers different features compared to the other purchase products; all of which are discussed in this module. There is also an end-of-module assessment to check your understanding of the content covered.
Lease Purchase (LP)
This module provides an introductory overview of the retail product known as 'Lease Purchase', sometimes known as 'Conditional Sale'. It is essential as part of a customer-facing role that you are able to explain the key features and benefits of a Lease Purchase agreement to a customer or client. It is a retail product provided by financial lenders and offers different features compared to PCP agreements; all of which are discussed in this module. There is also an end-of-module assessment to check your understanding of the content covered.
Distance Selling
This module covers the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, including distance selling. In this module you will learn about the following areas; distance selling and the regulations governing it, the difference between distance selling, on-premises selling and off-premises selling and how the regulations change for distance credit and hire agreements.
Pre and post contract requirements
This module explains the information which firms are required to give customers before and after they enter into a regulated consumer credit agreement. In this module you will learn about the following areas; the factors lenders and brokers need to take into account when giving customers explanations about proposed credit agreements, the documentation that must be given to customers, digital onboarding and customer verification, right of withdrawal, early settlements and cancellation rights.
Unfair Relationships and the Unfair Trading Regulations
This module covers the“unfair relationships” provisions in the Consumer Credit Act and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations. In this module you will learn about the following areas; the definition of unfair relationships, the Consumer Credit Act's Unfair Relationships Provisions, the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations.
Asset Registration
This module covers asset security and registration. In this module you will learn about the following areas; asset registration, recording ownership and industry best practice.
Financial Incentives
This module covers financial incentives, including the information that must be disclosed to customers in relation to commission earned by credit brokers (including motor dealers) and the risks which could be posed to customers by firms’ incentive schemes if those schemes are not properly managed. In this module you will learn about the following areas; the information which a credit broker must disclose to a customer about fees, risks posed to customers by firms’ incentive schemes and examples of good and poor practice.
Financial Promotions
This module covers financial promotions and communications with customers. In this module you will learn about the following areas; the definition of “financial promotions and communications”, the FCA's rules on financial promotions, factors for firms to consider and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
Interest Rates
This module covers the following areas; what is a fixed rate, the fixed interest payment structure, variable interest rates, components of a variable rate and the variable interest payment structure.
Credit Sale and Conditional Sale
This module covers credit sale and conditional sale products including; their structures, common customer profiles, ending the agreement and comparisons to other financial products such as Hire Purchase.
Personal and Secured Loans
This module covers personal and secured loans including; who uses these products, their structure, common customer profiles and ending the agreement.
Finance Structures
This module deals with finance structures and profiles including; tri-partite transactions, balloon payments, balloon payment schedules, advance rentals or payments, terminal pause and spread rentals.
Introduction to Motor Finance
This module provides an overview of the motor finance industry including; history of the market, how automotive finance is offered, types of providers, the benefits of finance to customers and the differences between purchase plans and lease plans.
Responsible Lending
This module covers responsible lending including the following areas; the FCA's rules on responsible lending, factors which lenders should take into account, sources of information to help lenders, prohibited actions and the use of Credit Reference Agencies (CRAs).