The BVRLA Blog shares knowledge, views and expert opinion on a range of topics of interest to the vehicle rental, leasing and fleet industry.
Please use the hashtag #BVRLAblog and the social media images below to share a link to the blog via your own channels:
What are the lessons from Covid-19 for Fleet Managers? Kenneth Malmberg, Senior Director, Market Development and Alliances at Ridecell EMEA GmbH

Kenneth Malmberg, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 378KB)
Optimisation and technology will be key to hitting the 2030 target sustainably Giles Benbow, Head of Fleet Transition, Mer

Giles Benbow, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 333KB)
Innovating the EV offer Vince Pemberton, Chief Operating Officer, Rivervale

Vince Pemberton, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 320KB)
The Forgotten Responsibilities Martyn Nash, Chairman, vGI Holdings

Martyn Nash, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 343KB)
Has lockdown accelerated the move towards car subscriptions? Toby Kernon, CEO, Wagonex

Toby Kernon, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 185KB)
LIBOR transition: now or never! Thomas McLennan, Head of Policy & Public Affairs, BVRLA

Thomas McLennan, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 135KB)
Protect your business from vehicle targeted fraud Gary Billingham, Senior Member Relationship Manager, Cifas

Gary Billingham, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 171KB)
Looking after your mental health Rachel Clift, Health & Wellbeing Director, Ben

Rachel Clift, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 182KB)
Is the Fleet Industry ready for 2030? Martyn Collins, Editor, EV Fleet World

Martyn Collins, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (179KB)
Change remains a certainty throughout 2021 Gerry Keaney, Chief Executive, BVRLA

Gerry Keaney, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 162KB)
All change: How we can re-wire our worlds Nick Brownrigg, BVRLA Vice-Chair and CEO, Alphabet GB

Nick Brownrigg, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 163KB)
Plugging in: The transition to zero emissions Beverley Wise, Director UK and Ireland, Webfleet Solutions

Beverley Wise, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (158KB)
How to ensure your fleet is road ready Chris Horbowyj, Channel Sales Director, Trakm8

Chris Horbowyj, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (420KB)
How do we feel about cars? Steve Gooding, Director, RAC Foundation

Steve Gooding, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (161KB)
The impact on tyre supply as lockdown eases Martin Phillips, Joint Managing Director, i247 Group

Martin Phillips, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (159KB)
10 Tips exploring the opportunities and timelines for getting back to business Keith Allen, Consultant, Bynx

Keith Allen, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 158KB)
Recession values, will lightning strike twice? Rob Donaldson, Car Editor, Glass's

Rob Donaldson, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 179KB)
The three Cs driving road freight transport Steve Hobson, Editor, Motor Transport

Steve Hobson, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 304 KB)
2019: A year of diversity and collaboration at the BVRLA Gerry Keaney, BVRLA Chief Executive

Gerry Keaney, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 346KB)
Parties compete on Road to Zero targets Rachael Hewish, BVRLA Public Affairs Manager

Rachael Hewish, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 213KB)
SM&CR: An on-going journey Steve Bloor, Technical Director, Consumer Credit Advisory Services

Steve Bloor, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 247KB)
An insider's view of the current political playground Marc Woolfson, Director, WA Communications

Marc Woolfson, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 246KB)
Car Sharing: A nudge towards more sustainable travel Jonathan Hampson, Former General Manager, UK at Zipcar

Jonathan Hampson, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 237KB)
Moving to electric: The challenges and way forward Gary Smith, Managing Director, Europcar Mobility Group UK

Gary Smith, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 205KB)
Doing the maths on vehicle maintenance Clive Buhagiar, Head of Operational Services, Alphabet (GB) Limited

Clive Buhagiar, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 343KB)
Can urban logistics be sustainable in the real world? Peter Harris, Director of Sustainability, Europe at UPS

Peter Harris, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 351KB)
Championing the motorist's right to choose Wendy Williamson, Chief Executive at Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation

Wendy Williamson, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 338KB)
Internal Audit keeps us ahead of the game Amie Darby, Head of Administation at LeaseCar UK

Amie Darby, #BVRLAblog social media graphic (JPG, 365KB)
The crucial role of vehicle leasing in driving the road to zero Martin Brown, Managing Director at Fleet Alliance Group

Martin Brown, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 272KB)
Electric Vans: the £100 billion question James Davis, Customer Insight and Strategy Director for Commercial Vehicles at Cox Automotive

James Davis, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 233KB)
Vehicle rental sector does its bit to fight terrorism Elaine Byrne, Rental Training Manager at Arnold Clark

Elaine Byrne, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 257KB)
An ambitious approach to decarbonisation Joseph Cosier, Policy Executive at Energy UK

Joseph Cosier, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 171KB)
Compliance - don’t fight it - embrace it! Tony Doidge, Trainer and FCA Compliance Consultant

Tony Doidge, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 172KB)
Change the way you drive to reduce emissions and costs Bob Saynor, Driver Training Consultant, Energy Saving Trust

Bob Saynor, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 148KB)
Up close and personal with Fair Wear & Tear Marcia Scott, Head of Service Delivery, Manheim Inspection Services

Marcia Scott, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 147KB)
BVRLA members at the heart of the next mobility revolution Iain Forbes, Head of the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, DfT and BEIS

Iain Forbes, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 214KB)
Urban transport: a dirty business Toby Poston, BVRLA Director of Communications and External Relations

Toby Poston, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 222KB)
Fleet sector united in calls for tax reform Claire Evans, Head of Fleet Consultancy, Zenith

Claire Evans, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 201KB)
Preparing Londoners for ULEZ is a team effort Catherine Westoby, Project Communications Specialist, Transport for London

Catherine Westoby, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 210KB)
Counter Terrorism Chief encourages sign-up to rental security scheme Chief Superintendent Nick Aldworth, National Coordinator for Protect and Prepare, Counter Terrorism Policing

Nick Aldworth, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 177KB)
Going back to basics can drive a positive customer experience Amanda Brandon, BVRLA Operations Manager

Amanda Brandon, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 233KB)
Using the power within to increase performance Roy A McDonald, NLP master practitioner

Roy A McDonald, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 268KB)
New way of sharing driving licence details Neil Akass, Service Designer, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

Neil Akass, #BVRLABlog social media graphic (JPG, 266KB)
FCA-regulated firms must get ready, get set… Hayleigh Clayton, BVRLA Compliance Officer
The importance of logging your learning Ina Hobden, BVRLA Learning and Development Programme Manager
Responsiveness and resilience will drive the sector, says BVRLA Chief Gerry Keaney, BVRLA Chief Executive
Kate reflects on 20-years at the BVRLA Kate McLaren, BVRLA PA/Secretary to the Chief Executive
Inspecting the BVRLA’s new leasing broker inspection regime Rod Lloyd, Managing Director, Low Cost Vans