BVRLA highlights vehicle rental’s credentials

Vehicle rental makes an essential contribution to UK society, the economy and the move to more sustainable mobility, according to a new report from the BVRLA.

Vehicle Rental Credentials front cover 2024.jpg

Produced in collaboration with PA Consulting, the ‘Rental Credentials’ report includes feedback from more than 1,250 customers and operating data from companies responsible for around 70% of the UK’s car and van rental fleet.

Combining this data with the insights of senior executives from across the car and van rental industry, the report splits its findings into three themed chapters. The first of these explores how the reliability and flexibility vehicle rental provides to its customers helps keep Britain moving. The second chapter highlights the sector’s role in helping Britain grow. Sustainability is the final theme, which sets out how vehicle rental helps to reduce transport emissions, reliance on private vehicles and reticence about using EVs.

Some of the report’s key insights include:

  • The average rental car is eight years younger than its privately-owned alternative
  • 58% of car hire and 82% of van hire is with business customers
  • Most Critical National Infrastructure sectors rely on vehicle rental
  • The use of car rental instead of private vehicles saves over 25,000 tonnes of CO2/year
  • Vehicle rental has contributed to the disposal of around 90,000 private cars in the last year
  • The car rental EV fleet has grown 200% since 2022

“Anyone making a significant journey on the road network will pass dozens of unbranded rental vehicles,” said BVRLA Chief Executive, Gerry Keaney.

“This report captures the vehicle rental sector's impact and the scale of its contribution to the UK's economy and society. Rental is a proactive, innovative industry that policymakers should work with to unlock fairer, more sustainable and affordable mobility in Britain.”

The vehicle rental sector employs over 30,000 people, with a fleet of around 450,000 cars and vans, operating at over 1,500 branches in every part of the UK. The full report is available via the Rental Credentials page.