Labour's first Budget date announced - 30 October 2024

Yesterday, The Rt Hon Rachel Reeves MP announced that the new Labour Government's first Budget will take place at the end of October. This will be combined with a three-year Spending Review.

The Chancellor has committed to having one annual fiscal event with no more mini budgets. As part of that process, final budgets for this year and budgets for next year – 2025/26 – will be set alongside the Budget on 30 October. The BVRLA has already been in talks with Treasury officials and Government departments ahead of yesterday's announcement and will continue high profile engagement activities during September at the association’s Parliamentary Reception and Labour Party Conference stand.

“This first Labour Budget and Spending Review are likely to be the most important ones and offer the best opportunity for us to make a case for serious fiscal interventions and grants that can revitalise and rebalance the Road to Zero,” said BVRLA Director of Corporate Affairs, Toby Poston.

“Thanks to the huge investment of time and resource we have put into our campaigning and research, including our Road to Zero Report Card, our Fleet Friendly Charging Pledge, our Rental Credentials, our Zero Emission Van Plan and our soon to be published Used BEV Market Report, we have much of the ammunition we need to make a great case.”

“We have hundreds of new MPs to target, and hope to speak to many of them at our upcoming Parliamentary Reception and at the Labour and Conservative Party Conferences. We need members to mobilise and help us get those messages across.”

All members and their employees are asked to write to their MP inviting them to come and attend the BVRLA Parliamentary Reception on 10 September, where the association will be setting out the importance of our sector to the UK economy and how we can continue to contribute to the Growth Mission. MPs can amplify the message, so that our voice can be heard by the Treasury officials holding the purse-strings.

Write to your MP this week, there is a pre-prepared letter to use, simply click on the Write to your MP link.

Chancellor: I will take the difficult decisions to restore economic stability - GOV.UK (