Prepare for your Spring TRIPs

National Highways has developed a long-term road safety campaign that demonstrates to drivers how to prepare for long journeys during holiday periods.

The TRIP campaign has been developed to help road users to stay – and feel – safe on the road network. It forms part of National Highways’ aspiration that no one should be harmed on England’s roads.

After launching in summer 2023, National Highways runs a new campaign every new season.

The campaign’s goal is to encourage drivers to plan their journey in advance, including all necessary vehicle checks as well as factoring in rest stops before they set off on long journeys. Families and young drivers are the priority audience, due to the likelihood of day trips and longer journeys during school holidays.

Members should remind their customers of the importance of vehicle checks and journey planning, resources can be found on the campaign page: TRIP Resources - National Highways.

Also see the BVRLA’s advice on Taking a vehicle abroad.